Wednesday 8 July 2009

Entry Eight - Goodbye Tosh and Owen

As I'm writing this, I'm watching my husband sleep. It's funny saying that. My husband. I find it hard to sleep, because today... today I lost two of my best friends.

Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper. I loved you. Both of you. So much. I'm not sure how we'll survive without you, but somehow we will. Somehow we'll go on, because Torchwood always goes on. All of the things you've done for me, all of the times you've helped me out, all of.. I'll miss you.

This is all Gray's fault. Jack's brother, Gray. He had childhood issues, and was intent on ruining Jack's life from the inside outwards. He forced John Hart to blow up parts of Cardiff, putting the entire city into a state of panic. Rhys was brilliant throughout it all.

We're having a funeral for Toshiko on Friday. Martha's coming to Cardiff, her parents are flying over. It was all Jack's idea, and it's a brilliant one.

She was our friend, our collegue, our saviour so many times.

I'll miss them both.. and we'll never forget them.

Entry Seven - Gwen Cooper's Getting Married

Jack's back.

He returned a few weeks ago, along with his friend John Hart who beat, shot, threatened and poisoned the team. Well, we each gained one of those special treats in turn. Myself receiving the poisoning. Paralysing lipgloss! Seriously! A Jack taught trick, apparently, but luckily the team found and saved me. I literally owe them my life.

So much has happened recently. Rhys found out about Torchwood, Jack asked me to retcon him, but I couldn't - the man took a bullet for me. Plus, I love him, it's about time he knew what was going on.

Then we met Martha Jones, a friend of Jack's. From what I worked out, she was with him that whole time he was gone. She's sweet, I like her. She works for UNIT, another alien investigating team, and came to help us working on a few mysterious deaths around the place.

We found out about this drug, Reset, which Owen explained would sort of 'set your body back to it's factory settings'. Greatest medical discovery in history? It would be, apart from the fact that it comes hand in hand with a killer alien parasite - the Mayfly.

Martha Jones went undercover at the Pharm, but after we lost contact, we knew we had to go in and find her. Once inside, we found what looked like a battery farm, full of different alien species. Martha had been infected with the Mayfly and Owen saved her, using the Singularity Scalpel, but then went on to get shot through the heart by the head of the Pharm.

He died, but Jack brought him back using the OTHER glove. It brought him back, but he's dead, technically. His body cells are dead, his brain is the only part of him alive, really. But he's still the same old Owen - apart from the sex, drink, and sleep thing he loved that he can no longer do.

Happier news, however, in my personal life. Rhys asked me to marry him. I said yes. And now, I have to go and arrange with caterers and whatnot. Fun... I've already picked my dress though :-)

Entry Six - On the way to the Himalayas.

This is just a short one. I'm not in the mood to write, nor relive the last few weeks.

Jack's gone.

Something took him.

Here one minute, gone the next.

I'm writing this blog on a plane to the Himalayas - order of Government.

Owen thinks it's a waste of time because Tosh hadn't picked up any Rift readings. But orders and orders and only Jack had the authority to say 'No' to White Hall. So here we are, heading to find out what's going on. Life without Jack - we just have to get on with it.

Entry Five - Weevils, Planes and Alien Eyes

Well, my affair with Owen is over, and now he's injured and recovering from a Weevil attack. I'd say it was unlucky, but he WAS stood in the Weevil's cage, practically asking for it.

But before I get to that.. I'll go back to the last time I blogged.

There were reports of murders in the city. Torchwood don't normally deal with murders but this one was different. At this one, the murderer had written Torchwood in blood on the white walls of the victims' bedroom. Then Owen found out that the murderer had Retcon, our amnesia drug, in his blood stream.

So we used the glove. Or more, I did. The Murdered victim told us the name of his murderer, and mentioned one other name.. Suzie.

So we brought her back. She was, unknown to me, taking the life from me, even though I was being rather lovely to her (despite her trying to kill me) she still would rather I die if it meant she got to live.

In the end, Jack killed her, after a long and gruelling process in which the team were locked in the Hub, and had to call my ex-collegues to get out, and Tosh destroyed the Glove forever.

A few days later, we were called to an RTA, Eugene had been killed, a guy who always used to follow us around. I was sure he used to have a thing for me, which, it turns out, he did. Still, that made me feel guilty so obviously I had to investigate the whole thing. In the end, it was a simple hit and run, but it turned out Eugene actually did have an alien artifact, which now sits in Jack's desk drawer.

Then came the plane. All sorts of things come through the rift. Sometimes it's people, sometimes it's aliens, and sometimes it's planes from 1953.

I said to Jack, once they were inside the Hub "At least it wasn't aliens". He instantly replied "Might have been easier." and I think he was right.

Although I bonded with Emma, an 18 year old from Bristol, things might have been easier. Due to her young age, Emma fitted in well and adapted easily. Right now, she's living in London. Hopefully I'll see her again. John, however, didn't take it too well and ended up committing suicide. And Diane, well, she broke Owen's heart by flying back through the Rift, leading to Owen becoming a twat over the past two weeks.

Anyway, Rhys and I fell out last night, which then lead to me and Owen falling out, in a way. We were out for a meal and.. oh you don't need to know. All you need to know is that Jack turned up. Weevils were being 'Weevil-napped' from the streets and taken to a sort of fight club.

I retconned Rhys and then told him about my affair - bad move.

Owen was sent to investigate, and that's how he ended up in the Weevil cage. By choice, apparently.

Anyway, I have to run.. Apparently Jack and Tosh have just disappeared from an old dance hall.

Friday 26 June 2009

Entry Four - Sorry I've been gone so long.

Oh I've left this blog for far too long, I do apologise. I have been busy. Far busier that I ever was with the police.

And so many things have happened, things horrid and creepy and deeply disturbing, and I feel that I should probably tell you about them before you find yourself bored with my ramblings.

It started with a Cyberwoman.

Ianto Jones, sweet Ianto, was keeping one in the Torchwood basement. No one knew, not even Jack. I'm still unsure as to whether I'm shocked that there was a cyberwoman in the basement, or that the rest of the team didn't know Ianto at all. How can you work with someone for that long and not know? Especially as the Hub is COVERED in security cameras and other odd items, and I'm pretty sure Jack has a method for looking all over.

In the end, Myfanwy, that's the Pterodactyl, ended up fighting the Cyberwoman and giving us enough time to get away, though not before I kissed Owen. Yes, Doctor Dickhead. He said it was "a last kiss for the condemned man" but, being on top of him, I didn't believe him in the slightest.

As a result of it all, Ianto ended up being suspended for 4 weeks, and luckily I managed to convince Jack to spend some out of work time with him, to get to know him. I'm pretty sure Jack just hired me to be his voice of reason, sometimes.

Then, there were the fairies. Or so they were known.

Jack told me we were going to visit "an old friend" and then he took me to a seminar on Fairies. I swear, I spent the entire thing trying not to laugh. I mean, Fairies! I know from college that the first real photos of fairies were faked, so I'm hardly going to believe that Jack's friend had found actual genuine fairies. Later, Jack told me that these so called fairies were more closely related to Mara, ideas based on nightmares.

It didn't take long for me to believe that.

Rhys and I came home and discovered our flat completely trashed. Nothing was stolen but it was destroyed. The first time in my entire life that I'd had to be scared in my own home, and I didn't like it one bit.

In the end, the issue was resolved by Jack doing something almost unforgivable. He allowed a young girl, the fairy's "Chosen one" to leave with them.

I thought that was one of the most unforgiveable things I'd ever witnessed.. and then came the Brecon Beacons.

I don't even want to tell you the details of what happened there, it was too much to bear. Even now, I can't quite get my head around it, any of it. Human beings killing and eating other humans, completely stripping the body of meat. And why? Because it made the sick bastards 'happy'.

I couldn't quite cope with it. The things I was seeing, the things I couldn't talk to Rhys about. So I turned to Owen.

Our affair began the night after we returned home from the Brecon Beacons. It was like a whole new dating thing, and Rhys would never know - how could he? I blame work and he's never suspicious.

And then Tosh found out. I know Tosh has had a thing for Owen for years.. I don't blame her, his eyes are to die for, but when she found out that he and I.. well.. knowing she knew hurt me a little because I knew she was hurting over it. Of course, she wasn't actually supposed to find out but she had this pendent.. this alien necklace, which allowed her to read our thoughts. Owen was furious, which I probably should have been but.. I wasn't. Tosh had been through enough. I mean, falling in love with the alien who gave it to her, being used as a hostage..

Torchwood. Life will never be the same again and, yet, I don't want it to be.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Entry Three - The Future's Bright

There's been a lot of strange goings on recently.

It started with a chase. All good stories start with a chase. Jack, Owen and myself were chasing this teenager, Bernie Harris, he was called, through the city centre and into the train station. Tosh was detecting alien readings on the computer. I managed to catch up with him, but he got away from me. However, I did manage to get his coat, containing the alien device we were searching for. I took it out of his pocket, and it began flashing, so I pressed the button on it.

And I swear, I'm not going crazy, I saw a ghost. The ghost of Tom Erasmus Flanagan from years ago, during the Second World War. An energy ghost, Jack later explained he was. Doctor Dickhead didn't help, though. Suggesting it was hallucinations or dementia. I was quick to point out that I wasn't hallucinating, nor was I bloody senile.

We tracked down Tom Flanagan. Well, Owen did. Found him in the phone book. Owen and I paid him a visit, and I chatted with him about when he'd been lost. His story was heartbreaking, but he seems happy, and he's alive, but at least I knew I wasn't imagining it.

We then tried to track down this Bernie Harris. Travelled all the way to Splott to try and find him. But he was no where in sight. Seems the people of Splott was nothing to do with him. Under the bridge in Splott, the same thing happened to Owen. The device lit up and he pressed the button and he was taken back in time, where he saw.. well, what he saw wasn't good, I'll tell you that.

He watched a scene from history play out before him. A young girl being attacked by a boy she had attended a dance with. He investigated, discovered the girl had been raped and murdered, and visited Ed Morgan, the man who had killed her, to set the spooks up him, so to speak. Just after this, he found Bernie.

The team went to Bernie's home, where he surrendered up an old tin full of things he had gotten from the same place as the ghost detector. These things included alien money, alien rocks and.. the other half of the detector. This half shows the future, and Bernie told me he'd seen himself die because of it. I, stupidly, pressed the button and saw myself, holding a knife, my hands covered in blood. I said something about Owen.

Jack told me it was just one version of the future, that it could be changed. I thought Bernie would like to know too so off I went to let him know. When I arrived, he was on edge, waiting for someone. Jack called me and told me about Owen and Ed Morgan, and that Bernie had gotten there first, tried to get money from him. As Ed made his way towards Bernie's home, so did Jack and Owen. Ed arrived with a knife and the rest is a bit of a blur, up until the point where I removed the knife from Owen's hands. Ed came towards me, he was too close and the knife was still in my hands. He pushed himself against it, and I looked on in horror as he suffered from cardiac arrest.

I couldn't bear it. I'd killed him. The team tried to make me feel better, telling me that he wanted to die, that it could have been anyone, but it didn't make me feel better, not at all, in fact. Jack and I talked as the sun came up, him attempting to cheer me up. That didn't really happen but being in his arms helped.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Entry Two - Lasagne Head

"Why don't we go out?" Rhys asked me, the night before I was due to start at Torchwood
"Where?" He wanted to celebrate. Let me explain something to you about my boyfriend. Rhys William's idea of a night out is one of two things. It's either boozing it up with the lad in a local nightclub, or boozing it up with the lads in the pub watching footy. So when he suggested bowling, a movie, and dinner in a nice restaurant, I was a bit surprised, to say the least.

But we did go out. And we did go bowling (I won) and to a movie (I fell asleep - he's not choosing the movie ever again) and to dinner. And we were planning on an early night when Rhys spotted a, well, what looked like a plane of fire, falling from the sky. Next thing I know, I'm called into work a few hours early to investigate a fallen meteorite.

You know how they say that whenever you try to act cool you end up looking like a complete arse? It's true. Doctor Dickhead was being a bit of a wanker, so I, cool as a cucumber, made some joke about his tool not being big enough for the job (he'd asked me to pass him a chisel) so I threw it.. thinking he'd catch it.. but he didn't, and it hit the meteorite, releasing a gaseous sex driven alien into the atmosphere. Yeah.. typical. Messing up on my first day. And Doctor Dickhead didn't make me feel any better about it.

Let me tell you about Doctor Dickhead. Doctor Owen Harper, likes to make sure people know he's a doctor. Think of the most arogant person you know, and quadruple it and then add a whole load of cockiness and you're still so very far away from Owen. That's NICE compared to Owen. He's pretty much a genius, but then, so is Toshiko when it comes to computers. But Owen, well, he's an arse about it. He's attractive, yeah, but.. ugh, let's not go there.

Ok, moving on. This alien killed a boy just as he reached climax. It feeds off male orgasmic energy, after it took on a host body in the form of Carys Fletcher. Carys who I had a bit of a snog with for reasons far beyond what you're thinking. The alien changed the atmosphere around her, turning her into a walking aphrodisiac (Jack's words). Yeah, that's my excuse and yes, I'm sticking to it.

Luckily for me, I say luckily, it probably wasn't luckily, but it made me feel a little better, Owen messed up as well, allowing Carys to escape. Saying that, Jack didn't help when after I gave him a whole presentation on what it means to be human, why we should save Carys, he let her escape because a hand in a glass jar was more important to him.

Anyway, we eventually found her again, and I offered to become the host body for this alien, in the hope that it would save Carys, and give the team time to find a way to get rid of it. I didn't need to become the host, however, as Jack saved the day. So I kissed him. Yeah. Probably a slight mistake but I did it.

When I worked for the police, there was nothing better than returning the missing to their families. Today was no different. Returning Carys to her dad was just, well it was brilliant.

Ok, that enough about my first day at work. Rhys has made lasagne, and I'm starving.

Gwen x